Nevada Traffic School Eligibility

Nevada Traffic School Eligibility

Have you recently received a Nevada speeding ticket? If not, have you received a few in the past? If so, it's a good thing that you've found us! We are here to help clean up your driving record. Depending on your reason for taking our course, completion of our online program will either result in a three point reduction on your Nevada driving record, or, it will keep points from ever appearing there in the first place. Either way, taking our Easy online program will diminish the harmful effects of those Nevada speeding tickets!

Before you begin our program, however, you may want to ensure that you meet all of the Nevada traffic school eligibility requirements:

For DMV Point Reduction:

If you have three or more points on your driving record, the Nevada DMV will send you a letter indicating so. At this point, you can complete our program for a three point reduction. This is always a great idea because these points can cause an auto insurance increase and accumulating 12 or more points will result in an automatic six month suspension. If you haven't received a letter or are unsure if you meet the Nevada traffic school eligibility requirements for point reduction, contact the DMV for permission. You can only complete the course for this reason once every 12 months.

For Court Purposes:

Another reason that drivers take our course is as part of a plea-bargain agreement with a Nevada traffic court or judge. In this instance, the court will require that you complete a DMV Approved traffic safety school. The court will set your due date and any other requirements. When you complete a Nevada traffic school course for court purposes, no points will be removed from your driving record.

For an Auto Insurance Discount:

Many Nevada auto insurance companies offer a discount for drivers who complete a traffic safety course. Contact your insurance provider to see if you qualify for this discount.

If you meet all of the Nevada traffic school eligibility requirements for your purpose, there is nothing left to do except get started. Sign-Up today to begin working towards an auto insurance discount, meeting your court requirements or removing the effects of that Nevada speeding ticket!
